Non-Surgical Cryolipolysis

Cryolipolysis is a procedure used to remove stubborn fat from the face. It can be used to target resistant fat, such as a double chin, as it is the ideal method to combat localized fat, with fewer side effects in comparison to other traditional procedures.

In essence, this treatment ‘melts’ unwanted fat either by allowing the body to metabolise it or by implementing a suction method that removes the bigger masses of fat.

This procedure is a clinically proven, non-surgical treatment without the need for downtime.

Request an appointment

The plastic surgeon Konstantinos Jiouchas will be happy to advise you individually and professionally in our Zurich practice (Zurich Plastics, Maneggstrasse 45, 8041 Zurich, phone +41 44 576 94 54). Arrange your personal consultation appointment now.

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    • Mild discomfort
    • Duration of treatment – up to 60 mins
    • Results start to appear within weeks
    • Up to 3 procedures required
    • Permanent results
    • Non-invasive
    • No downtime
    zurich plastics harmonious precision
    Greek aesthetics, German quality and Swiss precision.
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