Otoplasty (Ear Surgery)

An otoplasty is a highly popular treatment used to reshape the ears of dissatisfied patients. A series of options are available, from resizing and reducing to remove and re-contouring.

Doctors have come to notice an increase in the self-confidence and self-esteem of individuals undergoing such a treatment once receiving the desirable results.

Request an appointment

The plastic surgeon Konstantinos Jiouchas will be happy to advise you individually and professionally in our Zurich practice (Zurich Plastics, Maneggstrasse 45, 8041 Zurich, phone +41 44 576 94 54). Arrange your personal consultation appointment now.

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    • No pain
    • Duration of treatment 60 mins
    • Recovery – Head band for 2-4 weeks
    • Downtime 4 weeks
    • Invasive
    • Permanent results
    zurich plastics harmonious precision
    Greek aesthetics, German quality and Swiss precision.
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